Monday, February 15, 2021

Talking about love and other important stuff

We should love one another. We should be accepting of other's thoughts and ideas, be open by way of love with empathy at the core of all we do. This does not seem to be our Republican-led legislators are starting off our new term. We have a host of new bills introduced that take away from our democratic means of living and equality for all. 

Senate File 160: Student First Scholarships; basically vouchers for private/religious schools, taking away  money from public education, a right granted to us in the Bill of Rights. This is a terrible idea for Iowa. (Kim Reynolds) 

House File 222: will reduce funding for any school (K-12 and higher education) for using the 1619 Project created by Nikole Hannah-Jones and The New York Times. Hannah-Jones won a Pulitzer Prize for the essay that started the project. We should be celebrating her as a fellow Iowan instead of censoring real history.  (Skyler Wheeler -

House File 193: prohibits transgender kids from receiving medically necessary treatment. (Sandy Salmon - Why, just why? 

House File 109: This would give the legislative rule over Supreme Court decisions. Again this is a crazy idea as the judicial branch is purposely separate from the other two branches so as to be fair. (Sandy Salmon)

Senate File 41: would prohibit tenure at all three of our public universities in the state. Also it was proposed that all faculty at these universities should reveal their political affiliation as the Republicans say with more Democratic professors students are getting a biased education. (face plant) Just because we are teaching the truth, history, and independent thinking...(Brad Zaun) 

Each one of these laws is draconian and we need to put up a fight. Please contact your representatives and talk about why all five of these bills would be terrible for Iowa. With such an overwhelming amount of Republicans voted in this last round and with our Trump-loving governor Kim Reynolds we are indeed in trouble here. Send logical help please.  

I sent an email to Skyler Wheeler right before I typed this. Sandy Salmon, bless her heart, is next on my list. 


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