Monday, October 4, 2010

Gone Fishin'

Our groovy girl playing dress-up on stage!

     I feel sometimes like I need a sign I can post "gone missing," or "be back soon" like I work in a coffee shop and have just gone around the corner.I feel bad when it has been a whole week since my last post.  My family is filled with drama right now and by that I mean the theatre.  My husband is directing a production of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving and he cast our eight-year-old groovy girl as one of Ichabod's young scholars.  Invitational dress was last Thursday, Friday night was Opening Night ( a party with delicious treats followed the show) and we had friends and family come to town for the weekend shows. 

     My friend V traveled from Arkansas to Iowa to see the play and visit with us and it was so fantastic to spend time with her.  Not only did she drive 10 hours to see us but she came with her two children: both young and super cool.  Friends of Japhy's from our brief years living in The Natural State-all three children loved reconnecting, which in kid terms meant lots of playing and laughing and joyful noise!!  Highlights were watching V's little "lump" ice skate for the first time, watching rock and roll boy play carpet ball on Sunday morning, kite-flying on Saturday, even though we were cold and spending time at my favorite coffee shop-which luckily carries lots of vegan goodies.  I was sad to see them leave this morning but the play goes on this weekend and as V reminded me as we said good-bye in my driveway-I have more guests arriving this Thursday for the next set of shows.  Life is never, ever dull around here and I'm glad for life's fullness.  Plus you've got to love friends who are willing to drive two whole days to spend a crazy weekend with you!! 


Am reading The Sorceress by Michael Scott, to finish this series.
Am still reading The Reliable Wife by Goolrick.
Am behind in my challenges
Am  really behind on my posts.

Our friends backstage at the theatre.  Thank you for making our weekend!
Hope your week has been peaceful and filled with good friends!


Jinky said...

I know the feeling...I'm on 'sabbatical' from reviewing right now... but sneaking in a few minutes to see what everyone's up to.

Good luck with the production and everything else.

Anonymous said...

We had a BLAST! At least once a day I hear "J - would like that!" or "remember when J did..." or "When is J going to come here" or simply, "I miss J!" So - the trip was a success! Thank you!