Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thrilling new Highland Library

Today and yesterday with a small team of community volunteers we have packed up the McKinstry library into 244 boxes.  I still have about 10 more boxes to pack and it will be all finished tomorrow.  It is strange to walk into the library and see empty shelves!! 
Over the next week the boxes will all be moved over to our brand new building, Highland Elementary!  Twice I've had the opportunity to visit our new space even though construction is still going on.  Today a bunch of the new furniture including shelving filled in our new space.  My excitement of going from the above photos to these is mind-jarring!!  What I saw today made me teary with joy and excitement!!
I should have had the library lights turned on cuz the last two photos are a little gloomy and there is still much to be done before it is book-ready but doesn't it just look shiny and beautiful!  I love my new office-the cabinets, sink and the comfy chair-ahhhh!  The door behind that is a large storage area.  The chairs in the above photo are coffee brown with small circles of color-very subtle and soft.  The below photoshows shelves awaiting my collection.  Over the next few days I have to map out where I want all our books to go.  This task is a little overwhelming but one I want to figure out slowly even though my lovely volunteer library assistant has said "don't worry if we put the books in and we decide they should really go somewhere else-we'll just move them-no problem!!"  I love her!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I'M getting teary! What a great place to learn to love reading. Can't wait to visit you there. Looking forward to more photos.