Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

(Missing one child from far away...)

I hope everyone that is a mother had a wonderful day!  Being a mother is truly the hardest job; it comes with a lot of heartache and judgement.  My kids are not always happy with me, my ideas, and my suggestions.  I want the best for them-always.  Even though it is a difficult job I love being a mother and the payback can be amazing.

It's funny how the day started out as such a humble celebration, it was a way to honor and connect mother's who sons had fallen in the Civil War and later as a way to promote peace.  It's unfortunate that the holiday became so overly commercialized.  I do appreciate the simple things my children do for me.  I 'm happy with a meal together and several hand made cards.  Today we went for a walk, out for lunch, and a visit with my own mother.  It was a good day.  A simple day.

I also made chocolate chip cookie bars for school and folded laundry so it wasn't like I chilled the whole day.  It might be nice to pampered all day.  Right now BB is the important event at my house as I write and plan for my day tomorrow.

How ever you spent the day I hope it was relaxing and the focus was more on a shared experience than "stuff".

1 comment:

Kay said...

Happy belated Mother's Day to you, and I like your suggestion of simplicity. I don't need things - got enough of them. I did like my daughter changing her profile on Facebook to a picture of she and I, her sweet message to me, and our plan to do 'afternoon tea' later this week. She lives near me, but works nights as a hospital RN and so our schedules are often at odds. Lovely pictures, by the way.