Monday, January 6, 2014

Cold Day~No School Day!

The temps have dropped to an alarming number of -11 degrees.  It is super, super cold. The dogs don't want to go out to potty and the wind whistles through several of our old windows.

Our traditional snow day breakfast is chocolate chip pancakes with all the toppings and hot chocolate.  Today we substituted hot cider leftover from the holidays.  There were no complaints...

Yesterday Groovy Girl went to the video store with my husband.  He was on a quest to find the next Game of Thrones and she was "just looking." She came back with 2 games; an olympic event game and Little Big Planet 2 so we've spent some of our morning pretending to be Olympic athletes in archery, swimming, and gymnastics.  The results tend to be hilarious as the only true gamer at our house is the teenage boy and he slept until it was pancake time.

I have two books I'm trying to finish today; an ARC of Seven Wild Sisters by Charles de Lint, which is excellent and one of my favorite authors  Paulo Coelho's The Witch of Portobello.  I'm trying to finish it so I can pass it on to my friend Jen in Colorado.  Teenage boy can take it to her tomorrow when he leaves us again for the balmy state.

I love a day off yet I have a lot of work to get done at school plus I feel like it can be a hard day for many of our students who are left unattended and don't have delicious pancakes for brunch or even a bowl of cereal.  What's the temperature in your neck of the woods?

1 comment:

Tina's Blog said...

It's -18 here just a few miles from you. I went to warm up my car this morning with wet hair, and it was frozen by the time I came back in - not surprising there.