Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dear Janice....Thank you!

I am blesssed in many ways but one thing that sets me apart is my friend, Janice, who comes almost every day to my school library and helps me in the library. She volunteers at our school because her granddaughter is a student.  Long ago all school libraries had an aide, someone who came in to check-out, reshelve, and do extra things around the library.  We live in an age where school districts don't have the money to have library aides anymore.  I'm so glad to have Janice working with me almost everyday. So many of the massive creative projects I take on wouldn't be completed without her help.  She cut out all the snowmen shapes so first grade students could make larger-than-life snowpeople. 

 She makes my library dreams a reality!


  Last week I mentioned I it would be cool to change our holiday evergreen tree, decorated with snowflakes, into a Valentine tree.  Within a few short hours, after reshelving all the books, she transformed that mini-tree into a treat that looks sweet.  She will never let me take her photo so instead I share her creation.  She made all the decorations using a book...of course!  The Valentine Express by the amazing Nancy Elizabeth Wallace.  Check it out!

Thank You Janice for all you do!


jkw said...

Thank you for letting me share my love of reading, my passion for children to fall in love with reading, my creative need and my time with you and the children at Highland! I am truly blessed!

Doni Weimer said...

You are both great gals :) Janice, you have such a giving heart. Your live in the reality of Jesus' love for you and that love just flows right through into other people's lives!