Friday, September 3, 2010

Book Blogger Hop

It's Friday and time for the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Jennifer at Crazy-for-Books. 
The question for today is
Do you judge a book by its cover?

Emphatically Yes!  A beautiful cover draws the reader in and will continually keep a hold on you.
For instance while I read Shiver I kept looking back at the cover, even though it's just some vines and a wolf,  it was
Sam's and Grace's world and I felt drawn into it. 

I will read books with less-than-attractive covers because it could still be a fantastic story within-it just makes me disappointed in the art and perhaps expect more from the story. Once I learned that authors have pretty much no say over their cover art, which is was a shocking discovey and complete failure in the balance of the world, I think I judge less.
No matter what though the cover has the opportunity to pull me in and great attention to detail should be paid in representing that story, the one hand-crafted by the author. 

Hop on over to Crazy-for-Books, check out the rules and the hundreds of blogs participating, and hop, hop, hop!


~ Babs ~ said...

HI I popped on over from the Hop. Glad I did love your blog and now a follower. I agree with your cover answer.

The Book Speaker said...

It's unfortunate that authors have so little say over their books covers.

gautami tripathy said...

Have a blast hopping to/following new blogs or beginning great books!

Here is my Book blogger hop/Follow me/Book Beginnings post! I am a very serious eclectic reader! And I follow blogs I like via google reader. A

Kristin said...

Stopping by via the hop...I think it depends - there's a place and time when book covers come into play as to if I will read the book.

Happy Friday!
Always With a Book

PS - Great blog...I'm a new follower!

noral said...

another fan of Shiver...

i think i wanna read the bookkkk!

Stephanie (Books Are A Girl's Best Friend) said...

Hey, hopping by! I agree about authors not having much say in their cover design, it's such a shame.

You have some great posts so I'm a new follower!


Karen and Gerard said...

I was surprised to hear that too about authors not having much say when it comes to the cover. That was one plus for self-publishing. I could choose my own cover.

Hopping by from the Book Blogger hop.

bermudaonion said...

I am drawn by a great cover too. Have a great weekend!

Ms. C said...

Hi, just hopping by your blog... I must say it is lovely :) I'm a new follower :) Feel free to check my blog out in your spare time,

Hope you have a great long weekend!
Ms. C

Library Cat said...

I came by from the HOP and I am so glad that I did. I checked your list of 21 things and we are practically twins! So I am a follower!

I hope you will have a chance to visit one or both of my blogs: LibrarysCat and Never Forget !!

Have a great weekend!

Susan said...

Totally agree with you. I love me a beautiful cover!

Glad to have found you via the Hop. Have a wonderful weekend.